Hello :)

I'm Savannah Ricks, a learning web developer! Studying Digital Media, Arts & Technology (DIGIT) at Penn State Erie, The Behrend College. Also minoring in Writing & Digital Media hosted by Penn State Berks. Based in Erie, PA.

My Education

I am currently a Senior majoring in DIGIT and minoring in Writing & Digital Media. When I first started at Penn State, I was initially a Computer Science major. After a year, I realized that Computer Science was not for me. I liked the coding aspect, but I felt like I needed to visually see the creations I was making. When I found that the DIGIT major had both coding and arts, I knew I had to switch majors and I am so glad I did! Building websites is one of my favorite things to do now; I love how there is problem solving, instant results, and a mix of art. Also, languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc. are always changing, which means there is always something to learn. I know that I do not know everything about web dev, but I am always looking for something new to expand my knowledge. :)

Plans for the Future

Right now, I am on track to graduate May of 2025… a little nerve-racking! To be honest, I don’t have a set plan for where I want to go. I just know I want to at least get a job where I can build websites, whether that be for a specific company or freelance.

My Hobbies

When I am not building websites, I am sitting on my couch crocheting! I have been crocheting for five years now and have many projects under my belt. I’ve made afghans, beanies, tops, cat accessories, pillows, and stuffed animals. My favorite projects I’ve completed was a pair or granny square pants!

Recent Notes

Lo Mein

This is Lo Mein! She is almost 4 years old, and I’ve had her since I was a college Freshman. She is the sweetest and sassiest cat I’ve ever had. She is also the most chaotic! She loves it when we play a game we call “string” (when I dangle a piece of yarn). She also loves her little mousy toys, her three-foot-long tunnel, and sleeping under rugs. Lo Mein is also very quiet. The only time she will meow is when I close a door on her because she hates being away from me.