Savannah's Blog


Reflection Essay

Developing websites is by far the most fun I’ve had in a college course. I love how I got to explore two very different versions of development, one that was made off Wordpress, and the other made completely from HTML and CSS. There are pros and cons for both processes, but I prefer going with the HTML/CSS route overall. I did like Wordpress’ organization and presets, but it was definitely very limited in creation. I like HTML because of the complete control I have over my work. My HTML website may not look as clean as Wordpress, but I know I will learn more designing elements in the future. As a new learner, it was hard for me to figure out the structure of CSS, specifically the hierarchy in which a style will be implemented. Especially if I wanted a default layout, and separate layouts for each page of my website. I definitely want to learn more about CSS and new skills in HTML and to have the most efficiency when making a website. I will be making more websites in the future to practice and improve on my building strategy.

Here's the link to my alternate website!

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