The Digital Mitford Journals




  1. 1820-01-01
  2. 1820-01-02
  3. 1820-01-03
  4. 1820-01-04
  5. 1820-01-05
  6. 1820-01-06
  7. 1820-01-07
  8. 1820-01-08
  9. 1820-01-09
  10. 1820-01-10
  11. 1820-01-11
  12. 1820-01-12
  13. 1820-01-13
  14. 1820-01-14
  15. 1820-01-15
  16. 1820-01-16
  17. 1820-01-17
  18. 1820-01-18
  19. 1820-01-19
  20. 1820-01-20
  21. 1820-01-21
  22. 1820-01-22
  23. 1820-01-23
  24. 1820-01-24
  25. 1820-01-25
  26. 1820-01-26
  27. 1820-01-27
  28. 1820-01-28
  29. 1820-01-29
  30. 1820-01-30
  31. 1820-01-31
  32. 1820-02-01
  33. 1820-02-02
  34. 1820-02-03
  35. 1820-02-04
  36. 1820-02-05
  37. 1820-02-06
  38. 1820-02-07
  39. 1820-02-08
  40. 1820-02-09
  41. 1820-02-10
  42. 1820-02-11
  43. 1820-02-12
  44. 1820-02-14
  45. 1820-02-15
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  57. 1820-02-27
  58. 1820-02-28
  59. 1820-02-29
  60. 1820-03-01
  61. 1820-03-02
  62. 1820-03-03
  63. 1820-03-04
  64. 1820-03-05
  65. 1820-03-06
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  68. 1820-03-09
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  72. 1820-03-13
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  84. 1820-03-25
  85. 1820-03-26
  86. 1820-03-27
  87. 1820-03-28
  88. 1820-03-29
  89. 1820-03-30
  90. 1820-03-31
  91. 1820-04-01
  92. 1820-04-02
  93. 1820-04-03
  94. 1820-04-04
  95. 1820-04-05
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  101. 1820-04-11
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  110. 1820-04-20
  111. 1820-04-21
  112. 1820-04-22
  113. 1820-04-23
  114. 1820-04-24
  115. 1820-04-25
  116. 1820-04-26
  117. 1820-04-27
  118. 1820-04-28
  119. 1820-04-29
  120. 1820-04-30
  121. 1820-05-01
  122. 1820-05-02
  123. 1820-05-03
  124. 1820-05-04
  125. 1820-05-05
  126. 1820-05-06
  127. 1820-05-07
  128. 1820-05-08
  129. 1820-05-09
  130. 1820-05-10
  131. 1820-05-11
  132. 1820-05-12
  133. 1820-05-13
  134. 1820-05-14
  135. 1820-05-17
  136. 1820-05-16
  137. 1820-05-17
  138. 1820-05-18
  139. 1820-05-19
  140. 1820-05-20
  141. 1820-05-21
  142. 1820-05-22
  143. 1820-05-23
  144. 1820-05-24
  145. 1820-05-25
  146. 1820-05-26
  147. 1820-05-27
  148. 1820-05-28
  149. 1820-05-29
  150. 1820-05-30
  151. 1820-05-31
  152. 1820-06-01
  153. 1820-06-02
  154. 1820-06-03
  155. 1820-06-04
  156. 1820-06-05
  157. 1820-06-06
  158. 1820-06-07


Saturday 1 JANUARY

At home--fed my Bobbies--read Ivanhoe--very fine.

Sunday 2 JANUARY

At home--fed my Bobbies --read Wright's & Cobbett's trial with Mr. Wright's excellent preface--Molly married to Whim.

Monday 3 JANUARY

At home--heard from Miss Brooke--fed my bobbies--wrote to Mrs. Dickinson.


At home--went firtopping--fed my Bobbies--read the Ec: & B.C. reviews & Hallam's View of Europe in the Middle Ages--good.

Wednesday 5 JANUARY

At home--wrote to Miss Brooke & finished my letter to Miss Nooth--Col. Boscawen called--walked with Drum--fed my bobbies.

Thursday 6 JANUARY

At home--Heard from Eliza Webb with H. Hayward's bridecake--went to Reading with Drum--called on the Newberry's & Joliffes--home to dinner--pleasant morning--read the Edinburgh Review.

Friday 7 JANUARY

At home--heard from Mr. Haydon & Mrs. Dickinson--wrote to Mr. Haydon, Mrs. Dickinson & Miss Eliza Webb--read the MiniatureUnidentified. May refer to an early 19th c. periodical of that title, or Davenport's The Original of the Miniature.--fed my Bobbies--worked my shirt.

Saturday 8 JANUARY

At home--heard from Mrs. Rowden & Miss Webb--read Clarissa.

Sunday 9 JANUARY

Heard from Mr. Haydon--wrote to Miss James, Mrs. Rowden & Miss Webb--poor Lucy had a bad fall on the ice in the yard--poor dear.

Monday 10 JANUARY

At home--Lucy better--finished my shirt.

Tuesday 11 JANUARY

At home--wrote to Leigh Hunt & Drum who was at Reading for the Sessions--Lucy better--fed my Bobbies--read The Dead Letter Office.

Wednesday 12 JANUARY

At home--read Clarissa.

Thursday 13 JANUARY

At home--walked with Drum.

Friday 14 JANUARY

At home--fed my Bobbies--heard from Miss James--finished Clarissa--very fine.

Saturday 15 JANUARY

Heard from Miss Webb--wrote to Mrs. Dickinson--Drum ill--at home.

Sunday 16 JANUARY

Mrs. Dickinson sent for me to Farley Hill--I went--a very pleasant day.

Monday 17 JANUARY

At Farley Hill--heard from Drum & Granny--Mr. Bocket & Mr. Stephenson called--looked over Mr. Dickinson's fine prints--pleasant day.

Tuesday 18 JANUARY

Mr. & Mrs. Dickinson brought me home--read Knox's Captivity in Ceylon--Drum better.

Wednesday 19 JANUARY

At home--wrote to Mr. Haydon & Mrs. Hofland--Drum went to London.

Thursday 20 JANUARY

At home--heard from Mrs. Dickinson about taking Hannah Rapley--wrote to Mrs. Dickinson.

Friday 21 JANUARY

At home--heard from Drum--Mr. Harley came to see the house--very pleasant--heard from Mrs. Rowden.

Saturday 22 JANUARY

At home--dear Drum came home--heard from Mary Webb--went firtopping--fed my bobbies--wrote to Miss Hawkes & Mrs. Rowden.

Sunday 23 JANUARY

At home--heard from Mrs. Hofland & Miss Hawkes--wrote to Miss Webb, Mrs. Dickinson, Mrs. Waterton, Mrs. Hofland & Miss James.

Monday 24 JANUARY

At home--fed my Bobbies--wrote to Sir William--Hannah Rapley went at my recommendation to live with Mrs. Dickinson.

Tuesday 25 JANUARY

At home--Heard from Miss James--fed my Bobbies--read Petrarque et Laura by Madame de Genlis--pretty good.

Wednesday 26 JANUARY

At home--wrote to Miss James--fed my Bobbies--got my mourning ready for the Duke of Kent--read the Hermit in London--very good.

Thursday 27 JANUARY

At home--went to Wokingham--found Mr. Webb better--Eliza not well--Mrs. Hayward's little girl very pretty. Came home to dinner--read Country Neighbours--famous.

Friday 28 JANUARY

At home--fed my bobbies--wrote to Miss Webb--read a sketch of my Friend's Family--sad Methodistical stuff--Miss Burney's Country Neighbours--very good.


At home--fed my bobbies--went firtopping--knocked my eye--Marmion very amiable poor dear love pittiedme & loved me very much. The King died this evening.

Sunday 30 JANUARY

At home--fed my bobbies--heard from Sir William--wrote to Sir William Elford--read Country Neighbours--very good indeed--Heard of the King's Death.

Monday 31 JANUARY

At home--went Firtopping--picked up a great many & got a great deal of furse stumps--heard from Mrs. Dickinson--wrote to Sir William Elford.

Tuesday 1 FEBRUARY

At home--Heard from Miss Webb--went with dear Drum into Reading to buy a new bombazine gown--bought a very nice one for 2s. 9d. a yard--called on the Brookes--Newberrys--Joliffes--the Institution & Mrs. Havell's--came home to dinner--a very pleasant morning.

Wednesday 2 FEBRUARY

At home--went Firtopping--got a great many--fed my Bobbies--read Spence's Anecdotes--very good indeed--& wrote another Postscript to Sir William Elford--read likewise the Eclectic & British Reviews.

Thursday 3 FEBRUARY

At home--went firtopping--got a great many--fed my Bobbies in the Plantations--read The Man in the Moon famous & the Memoirs of the Margravine of Bareith


At home--went firtopping--got a great many indeed--fed my bobbies in the Plantations--wrote to Miss Webb--poor Molly grows big.From pregnancy.

Saturday 5 FEBRUARY

At home--new trimmed my old bombazine--heard from Eliza Webb--read Anastasius.


At home--wrote to Mr. Palmer enclosing my letter to Sir William--rode with Drum to Farley Hill--saw Mrs. Dickinson--Mrs. AllinghamMr. Rigby & the Miss Parfitts--came home to dinner--a pleasant morning--read Anastasius--very good.


At home--wrote to Mrs. Hofland--Lucy finished my new black bombazine gown--Drum went coursing, killed 4 hares & a rabbit--readAnastasius--very fine indeed.

Tuesday 8 FEBRUARY

Sent a hare to Mrs. Hofland--gave one to Mrs. Havell--went firtopping--got a great many--read Anastasius.

Wednesday 9 FEBRUARY

Went firtopping & wooding with Granny & Lucy in the plantation by poor Mossy's grave--got a great quantity of wood & firtops--read Windham's speeches.

Thursday 10 FEBRUARY

Went to Reading with Drum--called on the Brookes, Newberrys, Tuppens & Valpys--dined at the Jolliffes--Mrs. Maddison, Harry Marsh & Mr. Sherwood came in the evening--excellent dinner--very pleasant day--corrected some proofs of Mrs. Jolliffe's little Tales--came home at night.

Friday 11 FEBRUARY

Read a tolerable Poem called Hacho or the spell of St. Wilten--went firtopping--wrote to Miss Webb--Poor dear Mossy's grave planted with flowers by Drum & George--God bless him poor dear!

Saturday 12 FEBRUARY

Went firtopping--snowdrops out.

Sunday 13 FEBRUARY

's grave--read Delphine--not good.

Monday 14 FEBRUARY

Went wooding & firtopping in the lower plantation--got a great deal--Moses killed 3 hares & two rabbits dear love! Moll a great pet.

Tuesday 15 FEBRUARY

Wrote to Miss James--sent her a hare--went wooding with Drum & the pets--read Delphine--much too dismal--planted some sweet Williams on dear Mossy's grave.

Wednesday 16 FEBRUARY

Heard from Miss Eliza Webb, Miss James & Mrs. Hofland--wrote to Sir William Elford--read the First Volume of the Tales of Fancy containing the Shipwreck by Miss Burney--good--& Windham's Speeches good.

Thursday 17 FEBRUARY

Wrote to Eliza Webb--went into Reading with Drum--called at the Jolliffes--Newberrys--Sherwoods--Whites--Valpys (witnessed the dear Drs. Will)--saw Mr. Dundas who sent off my letter to Sir William, & a great many people. Came home to dinner & read Mme. Necker de Saussure's Notice sur la caractere et les ecrits de Madame de Staël--which is good enough.

Friday 18 FEBRUARY

At home--went wooding with dear Granny in the lower Plantation--got a great deal--read the Eskdale Herdboy (good) & wrote to Mrs. Hofland.

Saturday 19 FEBRUARY

At home--went wooding with dear Granny in the lower Plantation--wrote to Miss James & Mrs. Dickinson--read Windham's Speeches--very good.

Sunday 20 FEBRUARY

At home--Dear Drum went to Town in the snow--heard from Mrs. Dickinson--wrote to Mrs. Dickinson--read Dudley--very good.

Monday 21 FEBRUARY

At home--Dear Drum in London--went firtopping--fed my Bobbies--read Dudley.

Tuesday 22 FEBRUARY

At home--heard from dear Drum & Miss James--fed my Bobbies--wrote to dear Drum & Miss Rogers for Miss James--read Dudley.

Wednesday 23 FEBRUARY

At home--heard from dear Drum--went firtopping with Molly in the plantations--fed my Bobbies--read Nourjahad old but pretty.

Thursday 24 FEBRUARY

At home--heard from dear Drum & Miss Rogers--wrote to Mrs. Dickinson (to tell her of the birth of Mrs. Woodburn's boy) & to Miss James--read Riley's narrative of the Loss of the Brig Commerce--interesting but Munchausenish.

Friday 25 FEBRUARY

At home--heard from dear Drum--went firtopping with Molly--read Coelebs Deceived poor methodistical stuff--Dear Drum came home in the Evening.

Saturday 26 FEBRUARY

At home--went wooding & firtopping--heard from Eliza Webb.

Sunday 27 FEBRUARY

At home--went primrosing in the park & fields with dear Drum--got a good many--read Glenfergus--famous.

Monday 28 FEBRUARY

At home--Dear Drum went into Reading for the Grand Jury--went wooding in the lower plantation with dear Granny--fed my Bobbies--read Authentic Account of the French Revolution--interesting.

Tuesday 29 FEBRUARY

At home--heard from Drum--dear Granny went into Reading--wrote to Drum & to Dr. Harness--fed my Bobbies--Mrs. Valpy & the Miss Valpys called--went firtopping in the plantation--got a great many--fed my bobbies there--read No Fiction--sad methodistical stuff--Heard from Drum again--who went to London from the Grand Jury.

Wednesday 1 MARCH

At home--fed my bobbies both at the window & in the plantations--went firtopping--got a great many--read Vicissitudes--delightful old thing.

Thursday 2 MARCH

At home--heard from dear Drum--helped Granny pack the China--fed my Bobbies--got a note from Miss James--went firtopping--dear Drum came home.

Friday 3 MARCH

At home--went firtopping, got a great many--wrote a handbill for Mr. Monck--Drum heard from Mr. Johnson.

Saturday 4 MARCH

At home--went firtopping--got a great many--two Bobbies I think man & wife followed me all over the plantation & behind the house & ate bread that I threw them in half a dozen different places--heard from Sir William Elford--Molly brought to bed of two live puppies & two dead ones--Molly as well as can be expected poor dear.

Sunday 5 MARCH

At home--heard from Miss James--went to Farley Hill--came home to dinner--wrote to Dr. Harness & Miss James--nursed Molly.

Monday 6 MARCH

At home--went firtopping--got a great many--fed my Bobbies--nursed Molly--read the Eclectic & British Critic Reviews.

Tuesday 7 MARCH

At home--Dear Mrs. Dickinson brought to bed of a girl--went firtopping, got a great many--read the Life of Wesley (Charles & John) stupid enough.

Wednesday 8 MARCH

At home--went firtopping, got a good many--read Leyden's Africa very good--nursed dear Molly.

Thursday 9 MARCH

At home--went into Reading to the Election--called on Mrs. Jolliffe--the Brookes--the Tuppens-- the Valpys--dined with Mrs. Marsh--came home at night--a very pleasant day.

Friday 10 MARCH

At home--wrote to Miss James--went firtopping--got a great many--fed my bobbies.

Saturday 11 MARCH

At home--went to Reading to the Election with dear Drum--called at the Marsh's--Tuppens--&c. Dined at the Valpys--came home at night--pleasant day.

Sunday 12 MARCH

At home--went with dear Drum to Farley Hill--saw Mrs. Dickinson, Mrs. Allingham & the sweet little baby--dined at the Webbs when I met John Wheeler--came home at night--pleasant day.

Monday 13 MARCH

At home--went to the Reading election--called at Mrs. Bath's--sat at Lane's --went to the Hall--dined with the Valpy's--very pleasant day indeed.

Tuesday 14 MARCH

At home--went to the Election--called on Mrs. Marsh, Mrs. Tuppen & Miss Brooke--got a cook--sat at Lane's--went to the Hall--dined at the Valpy's--very pleasant day.

Wednesday 15 MARCH

At home--went to the Election with Drum--heard from Miss James--called at the Anstruthers & Valpy's--saw the Members (Monck & Palmer) chaired from Mr. Cowpers at the Crown--heard the speeches at Mrs. Letchworth's--saw Mr. Weylands shabby procession from Mrs. Jolliffe's--dined with Mrs. Marsh--a delightful day--gloriously bright & sunshiny--the Chairing the finest sight I ever beheld--upwards of ten thousand people--all quiet & rejoicing.

Thursday 16 MARCH

At home--went firtopping, got a few--went primrosing, got a good many--read Memoires de Napoleon en 1815 par M. Fleury de Chaboulon--a good fellow, but the book rather dull.

Friday 17 MARCH

Mr. Elliot & his son came to take possession--Tom White & Captain Tuppen called--read Memoires de Napoleon--a most interesting book. At home all day with a bad cold.

Saturday 18 MARCH

At home--went Firtopping in the middle Plantation--got a great many--heard from Mary Webb--read Vicissitudes--my cold a good deal better--nursed Molly.

Sunday 19 MARCH

At home--cold better--went firtopping--read Shakespeare & his Times, good materials badly used--nursed Moll & the Pups.

Monday 20 MARCH

At home--wrote to Mrs. Rowden, Mrs. Dickinson & Sir William--walked to the Cross with dear Granny to look at Mr. Bodys house--read Shakespeare & his Times.

Tuesday 21 MARCH

At home--Drum went to London--Mrs. Rowden came to see us, dined & slept there--a very pleasant day indeed--I was delighted to see her.

Wednesday 22 MARCH

At home--took Mrs. Rowden back to Reading--called on the Valpy's, Hawkes's, Brookes, Bulleys &c.--hired a Cook--came back to dinner--pleasant morning.

Thursday 23 MARCH

At home--heard from dear Drum--went flowering in Mr. Body's Fields & my own--got a great many violets in Mr. Bodys fields (the first this year) & primroses yellow, white & coloured in our own--Dear Drum came home in the evening--read Shakespeare & his Times.

Friday 24 MARCH

At home--went firtopping--did not get many--Heard from Mrs. Hudswell about our old Cook's misconduct--& from Mary Webb--Had a quarrel with Mrs. Howell about my Carnations which she stole--made Drum's old Cocked Hat into a bonnet--read Combers Parisian Massacre--bad--& Wentworth's Account of New South Wales--not good.

Saturday 25 MARCH

At home--went violetting to Davies' Meadows--got a great many--Moses went with me a great saint poor dear. Marmy went to Alresford dear sweet lamb, God bless him.

Sunday 26 MARCH

At home--read the Quarterly Review--played with Molly & the pups--wrote to Miss James.

Monday 27 MARCH

At home--Went Firtopping--got a great many--read Beaumont & FletcherCollected editions of Beaumont & Fletcher were published by Stockdale in 1811 (3 volumes) and F. C. and J. Rivington in 1812 (14 volumes).

Tuesday 28 MARCH

At home--Drum went to Town--went violetting with Granny in Davies's & Mr. Body's Fields--got a good many.

Wednesday 29 MARCH

At home--Drum in London--went violetting about our own place & Mr. Body's--did not get many--then went firtopping.

Thursday 30 MARCH

At home--went to Wokingham to meet Drum--came home round by Reading--went to see Grove Cottage--did not like it--called at the Jolliffes--came back to tea.

Friday 31 MARCH

At home--Drum & Granny went to Reading--went violetting Pinge wood way--got a great many--read the New London Magazine--very good--wrote to Mrs. Jolliffe.

Saturday 1 APRIL

At home--went violetting in Mr. Body's Fields & our own--got a great many--Read Mill's History of the Crusades very good.

Sunday 2 APRIL

At home--went with dear Drum to Farley Hill--came home to dinner--probably my last ride in the dear old dog cart--read the Edinburgh Review & began the Monastery.

Monday 3 APRIL

At home--heard from Mrs. Jolliffe--a great deal of packing & moving going forward--General Cockle came to look at the house--went firtopping I suppose for the last time--got a good many dear loves--petted Molly--read the Monastery not very good.

Tuesday 4 APRIL

At home--my last day I suppose at that dear home!--Mr. Haydon sent me the New Times with the Critique on his pictureThe review appeared in the 27 March 1820 issue.--went about very disconsolate--firtopped a little--drew a plan of the place--read the Monastery--a very uncomfortable melancholy day.

Wednesday 5 APRIL

Heard from Sir William--went firtopping--left Bertram House & went to live at Mr. Body's Cottage at the Cross--very sorry to go--in a great skirmish all day long--very uncomfortable indeed.

Thursday 6 APRIL

At home--went to Bertram House to fetch some things we left there--went violetting there & in Mr. Body's Fields--never got half so many in my life--lost poor Selim--in a great fright--but found him again--read the Monastery--not so good as some of his Novels.

Friday 7 APRIL

At home--went violetting to Bertram House--planted out flowers in our garden here--Mr. Green called while I was out--read the Monastery--pretty good too.

Saturday 8 APRIL

At home--walked with dear Granny to James Smith's--got very wet--wrote to Sir William--read Walsingham old & bad.

Sunday 9 APRIL

At home--heard from Miss James--took a walk with dear Granny & found some violets in a field near here--wrote to Mary Webb.

Monday 10 APRIL

At home--wrote to Eliza Webb, Miss James, Mr. Haydon & Dr. Harness--read the Eclectic & British Critic Reviews & King Coal's Levée--a pretty little thing.

Tuesday 11 APRIL

At home--heard from Mr. Haydon & Mrs. Hofland--finished my letter to Mr. Haydon & Miss James & wrote to Mrs. Hofland--signed a bond to Dr. Harness--walked with Drum.

Wednesday 12 APRIL

At home--read the New Monthly Magazine--transcribed the compliment of myself in it--dear Drum & Granny went to London--went violetting with Lucy to Mr. Body's Fields & Bertram house--wrote to Mrs. Dickinson to go back with the Magazine.

Thursday 13 APRIL

At home Dear Drum & dear Gran in London--answered a note to Mama from Mr. Stewart & wrote him a letter of recommendation to Mr. Woodburn. Mr. Dickinson called & dined with me--read Madame de Genlis' Knights of the Swan--so so.

Friday 14 APRIL

At home--Heard from dear Granny & Mrs. Dickinson--lost dear Selim--Drum and Granny came home in the Evening.

Saturday 15 APRIL

At home--went violetting about our old fields & Mr. Body's--read Baldwin's London & Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazines--Mr. Hill took away one of Molly's puppies--poor Molly & the other pup cried very much.

Sunday 16 APRIL

At home--heard from Mary & Eliza Webb & Mrs. Hayward (Mrs. H's letter was to Papa) & Mr. Dickinson--dear Drum went to Town--Mrs. Dickinson called with the baby--went violetting--found a new bank in a field by the hill--wrote to Mrs. Voules &Mr. Dickinson.

Monday 17 APRIL

At home--went to Pinge wood with Lucy, got a great deal of woodsorrel & some white violets in Davies's meadow--heard from Mrs. Voules (to whom I sent Molly's other pup)--had a delightful morning--read Blackwood's Magazine.

Tuesday 18 APRIL

At home--heard from Drum--wrote to Dr. Harness--went to Reading in the Cart--called on the Brookes (to condole on Mr. Brooke's death)--Marsh's--Newberrys--Tuppens & the Valpy's--came home to dinner--read the London Magazine--Mr. Dickinson & Mr. Liebensrood called & saw Granny.

Wednesday 19 APRIL

At home--went violetting sic to Mr. Body's fields & our old Place--got some lovely coloured & white primroses & yellow ones & heard a most beautiful nightingale in Mr. Body's lane from our Cottage--read the Mystery.

Thursday 20 APRIL

At home--heard from Mr. Haydon--went to Mr. Webb's with Drum in the Cart & got Wasp for Mr. Haydon--dined at Wokingham & met Mr. Morris & Mrs. Talmage--came home at night--a pleasant day--took dear Molly who was much admired--wrote to Mr. Haydon.

Friday 21 APRIL

At home--went to Pinge wood in the Cart with dear Drum & Luce & the pets--got a great many pansies & wood sorrel--Mr. Dickinson & the Tuppens called whilst we were out--had a delightful morning indeed.

Saturday 22 APRIL

At home--went flowering up the Cross hill--got a few white violets & some primroses, & read Beaumont & Fletcher in a very pretty meadow--read the Times papers.

Sunday 23 APRIL

At home--went with Drum to our field by the Brook--Mr. Green called while we were out--heard from Mr. Dickinson--read the Mystery--a new novel--not very good.

Monday 24 APRIL

At home--went with dear Drum, Lucy & the pets to Pinge wood--got a quantity of cowslips, wood sorrel & pansies--a delightful morning--Mr. Dickinson called.

Tuesday 25 APRIL

At home--walked with dear Granny to Bertram House & got primroses & cowslips--made a Cowslip ball for Drum--read Hodgkin's travels in Germany Good politics but middling writing.

Wednesday 26 APRIL

At home--went cowslipping with Luce & the pets in Mr. Bridgwater's meadows by the brook--very pleasant morning--read Hodgkin's Travels--good politics.

Thursday 27 APRIL

At home--went walking with dear Granny & the pets up a lane leading to Spencer's wood--found a field with a quantity of wild periwinkle in the hedge--very beautiful. Read Southey's Life of Wesley--very good.

Friday 28 APRIL

At home--went to Pinge wood with Drum, Lucy & the pets--went likewise to Burghfield & got some field Tulips--met Mr. Liebenrood & his son--Mr. Body called--heard from Mr. Haydon--wrote to Eliza Webb. Read Southey's Life of Wesley--very amusing.

Saturday 29 APRIL

At home--went cowslipping with Granny & the Pets in Bridgwater's meadows--Mr. Dickinson called--read Hogg's Winter Evening's Tales--famous.

Sunday 30 APRIL

At home--walked in the meadows with Drum & the Pets--read Hogg's Tales--famous--wrote to Mr. Haydon.

Monday 1 MAY

Went in the Cart to Reading Fair with Drum & Lucy--called on the Brooks Newberrys, Whites, Anstruthers &c.--dined at Dr. Valpy's & met the Shuters, Mr. Harris, Mr. Monk, Harry Marsh & Mr. Dickinson--a very pleasant day--came home at night.

Tuesday 2 MAY

At home--went primrosing & cowslipping to Bertram House--got a great many --wrote to Mr. Johnson. Read Hogg.

Wednesday 3 MAY

At home--walked with Granny & the Pets up Woodcock lane--read the Diary of an Invalid on the Continent

Thursday 4 MAY

At home--called with Drum on Mr. Body who gave me some lovely flowers--wrote to Eliza Webb--read Bowdich's Mission to Ashantee--dull.

Friday 5 MAY

At home--went walking with dear Drum, Granny, & the Pets--Dr. Valpy called.

Saturday 6 MAY

At home--went cowslipping in the Meadows with dear Granny & the Pets--heard from Mrs. Hayward with a beautiful basket of flower roots--planted them out & wrote Mrs. Hayward--read Bonduca.

Sunday 7 MAY

Heard from Miss Webb & Mrs. Rowden--wrote to Mrs. Rowden & read Burckhardt's Travels & walked with the pets.

Monday 8 MAY

At home--Mr. White & Capt. Tuppen called--walked with Granny & the pets--read Burckhardt's Travels--wrote to Miss Nooth

Tuesday 9 MAY

At home--went to Reading--called at the Valpy's & dined at the White's--came home in the evening--read Southey's Life of Wesley.

Wednesday 10 MAY

At home--watered my flowers--walked with Drum & the pets--read Life of Wesley.

Thursday 11 MAY

At home--went walking with Granny & the pets--heard from Miss James--watered my flowers--read the Life of Wesley.

Friday 12 MAY

At home--went to Arborfield flowering with Drum & the pets--got a great quantity of lilies--read Kempe's Campaign in Saxony in 1813--good.

Saturday 13 MAY

At home--went in the meadows with dear Granny--Lucy finished my shilling a yard gown--wrote to Mr. Green & Miss James.

Sunday 14 MAY

At home--dined at Mr. Green's--met Mrs. Madison & Mrs. Taunton--a very pleasant day--came home in the evening.

Monday 15 MAY

At home--walked with Drum & the Pets--read Mansfield Park.

Tuesday 16 MAY

At home--had a most flattering letter from Mr. MacFarlane with a ticket for his lectures--wrote to Mr. MacFarlane--read Mr. Edgeworth's Life--very good.

Wednesday 17 MAY

At home--took a long walk with dear Granny & the pets--very pleasant--Dr. Valpy called--read Mr. Edgeworth's Life.

Thursday 18 MAY

At home--dressed my flowers (of which dear Drum gets me a profusion)--wrote to Mrs. Dickinson--read Dr. Zouch's --stupid. Heard from dear Mrs. Dickinson with some lilies of the Valley--wrote to her again.

Friday 19 MAY

At home--heard from Eliza Webb & Mr. MacFarlane--Mr. Dickinson came--sat here three hours & then we went to Reading--called at the Valpy's & the Newberrys. Came home to dinner--walked with Drum & the pets--wrote to Miss Brooke & Eliza Webb.

Saturday 20 MAY

At home--read the Fall of Jerusalem--very good--walked with dear Granny & the pets--made three pen wipers for Luce & for Granny & for Mud--wrote to Mrs. Raggett.

Sunday 21 MAY

At home--took a walk with Drum & the pets--read the Times Newspapers & Beaumont & Fletcher & finished my letter to Mrs. Raggett.

Monday 22 MAY

At home--read the Fall of Jerusalem--dressed my flowers--walked with Drum, Granny, & the pets to Whitley wood revel--saw some wrasling sic--awkward.

Tuesday 23 MAY

At home--Mrs. Raggett called--went to Reading--called at the Valpys--dined at the Newberrys--went to Mr. MacFarlane's lecture in the Evening--tired & pleased.

Wednesday 24 MAY

At home - wrote to Mr. MacFarlane & sent him my PoemsCould MRM have sent McFarlane a copy of her Poems from 1811? Or are these poems more recent? - went with dear Drum & dear Granny in Major Stewart's Car to call on dear Mrs. Dickinson & keep Mr. Webb's Birthday at Wokingham - met the Wheelers, Holtons, Haywards & Mrs. Talmage - came home at night - a delightfully pleasant day.

Thursday 25 MAY

At home - planted some - read Josephus - very fine.

Friday 26 MAY

At home - heard from Mrs. Hofland - read Peter's letter 2nd time.

Saturday 27 MAY

At home - read Peter's letters & our Times Newspapers - planted some China Asters - wrote to Mrs. Hofland - dressed my flowers - walked with Drum & the pets.

Sunday 28 MAY

At home - very wet - never stirred - read Sir Charles Grandison.

Monday 29 MAY

At home - walked with Drum to Bertram House - met poor dear little Fly (the brindled bitch) going there to take refuge with us from some wicked Reading boys who had tied a string round her poor tail.

Tuesday 30 MAY

At home - called at the Voules's with dear Drum - came home to dinner - Mr. MacFarlane drank tea with us in the evening - very pleasant.

Wednesday 31 MAY

At home - went with Drum to Reading - called on the Brookes, Newberrys, Whites, &c. - came home to dinner - wrote to Miss Brooke - dear Drum had a bad sore throat - had a chat with Mrs. Havell.

Thursday 1 JUNE

At home - heard from Miss James - finished my letter to Mrs. Hofland - read the Sketch Book - very good - walked out with Lucy & the Pets - dear Drum better.

Friday 2 JUNE

At home - Mrs. Dickinson called & the Whites & Tuppens - walked out with Drum - read the Quarterly Review.

Saturday 3 JUNE

At home - wrote to Mr. Dickinson & Miss James - dressed my flowers - walked with dear Granny & the Pets.

Sunday 4 JUNE

At home - rained all day - little Miss Keep gave me a pretty flower to hang up in the arcade - wrote to Mrs. Hayward - read newspapers & Reviews.

Monday 5 JUNE

At home - gave little Miss Keep a pretty needlebook and pincushion - read George 3rd his [?] & Family - sad stupid stuff - Mr. Dickinson called - weeded my little flower Court.

Tuesday 6 JUNE

At home - went twice walking with Drum & the pets - walked 5 miles.

Wednesday 7 JUNE

At home - went to Reading with dear Drum - called at the Brookes, Valpys &Co. - saw Mr. Nares, Mr. MacFarlane & a great many people - came home to dinner & walked after - pleasant day.