Project of Bojack Horseman


Name Type Appearances

Bojack Horseman has a plethora of names that appear throughout the show including people, organizations, locations, and ethnicities. The ammount of times each type of name appears in the show can display the of these types of names throughout the show.

The first category on the graph is Person. This category is for every name of a person or living bweing that appears in the show. It takes up a whopping 82.2% of all names that show up in the show, which makes sense. What is a show without its cast of characters?

The second category represented is "Global Political Entities", or in other words any country that is referenced directly by name in the show. Surprisingly, countries are not mentioned all too much in the show. However; what is more interesting than that is how organizations (represented by ORG) are mentioned less than GPE's. The show is full of companies and their products. A good bulk of the episodes reference a company by name, too. It is surprising that the numbers show that companies and organizations just appear so little throughout the series.

The next category is NORP, standing for Nationalities, or Religious/Political Groups. For how gruff of a show Bojack Horseman is, is comfotig in a sense to see how little these groups are referenced. The show has its moments (as the Nazi Party is referenced by name on more than one occasion) but seeing that NORP take up less than 2% of all names mentioned shows how aware/self aware the show is.

The final category is LOC, standing for Location (excluding GPE). This was one of the most shocking data points to see. Locations seem to be mentioned constantly, but they make up less than 1% of all names mentioned in the show.

A graph showing the percentage each type of name appears throughout Bojack Horseman. 
                    Person, 82.2%. GPE, 7.9%. ORG 7.7%. NORP, 1.4%. LOC, .082%

Song Appearances Throughout Seasons

Music is a key aspect of the Bojack Horseman series. It is used to convery time, emotions, and common themes. There is also usage for comedical purposes. The image below shows the middle portion of the Music Network in Seasons from the Virtualization page. Here we can see that the middle section has lyrics that are connected to nearly all Bojacks seasons. We think that this is due to the intro song being played in nearly all episodes of the series.

An image of the middle portion of the Music Network in Seasons

In this image of the same network, we see that Season 5 is completely cut off from the rest of the series. This is interesting since even the intro song is not in any way connected to Season 5. The show at this point shows that Bojack is at his lowest in life. He is back on drugs and has influenced his co-star to do the same. He has also at the same time lost a couple of loved ones and slowly the friendships of others. Is perhaps the sudden change in connection in Season 5.

An image of Season 5 of the Music Network in Seasons

Even in this image of the Music Network in Episodes show that, overall Season 5 only has songs in very few of its episodes.

An image of Season 5 of the Music Network in Seasons